Expect Warcraft, Overwatch, and Diablo News "Over The Coming Weeks", Says Blizzard Head

Fans can expect more news about Warcraft, Overwatch, and Diablo "in the coming weeks," according to Blizzard head Mike Ybarra. That follows last week's revelation that Microsoft acquired them for an enormous deal priced at almost $70 billion.

As per Gamesradar, Blizzard head Mike Ybarra replied to a tweet asking about the "underdeveloped games" the studio has, following news that they're currently developing a survival game set "in a whole new universe."

Read More: Blizzard Unbans 70-Year-Old World Of Warcraft Player Mistaken For Bot

Expect More Warcraft, Overwatch, and Diablo News Soon, Says Blizzard Head

Ybarra replied by saying:

"Blizzard is a big studio and we have talented and growing teams supporting live games as well. Over the coming weeks, you'll be hearing more on that from Warcraft and Overwatch. Diablo will follow. Stay tuned!"

Despite Ybarra's tweet, it's unclear if Activision Blizzard games will remain on non-Microsoft consoles beyond the near future, following the acquisition deal. Some reports claim that these existing games will still be available, though nothing has been confirmed. Make sure to follow us for more gaming news and updates as it happens.

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