Will Call of Duty Vanguard Be Better Than Black Ops Cold War?

The worldwide launch of Call of Duty: Vanguard is right around the corner, much to the excitement of the community eagerly awaiting the next instalment in the storied first-person shooter franchise. With an all-new single-player campaign, innovations to multiplayer, and another Zombies storyline set in the Dark Aether, there is plenty of fresh content for players to get stuck into.

Despite all of the new innovations and additions made by Sledgehammer Games, many are still undecided as to whether Vanguard will be worth purchasing, with some even wondering whether the return to World War 2 will surpass the success of Black Ops Cold War. With that said, will Vanguard be a better Call of Duty title than Black Ops Cold War?

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Will Call of Duty Vanguard Be Better Than Black Ops Cold War?

Is COD Vanguard Better Than Black Ops Cold War?
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Having played Black Ops Cold War for all six seasons of post-launch content, I believe that the fifth entry into the Black Ops series was a solid effort from Treyarch. Even though there was a lack of content when the game launched in November 2020, the developers quickly compensated for it with the return of iconic multiplayer maps, all-new weaponry, and a storyline that leaves the door open for a potential sequel.

The campaign itself was unique in several aspects, with players having the option to determine the outcome of the story by selecting a range of responses from their very own CIA operative. Each ending was certainly interesting but felt like something was missing, with no sense of finality rounding it off.

Vanguard's campaign has the potential to blow Black Ops Cold War out of the water, with four theatres of war and four brand-new characters attempting to halt a second Nazi uprising. With new protagonists to get behind, Vanguard is another brick in the Call of Duty foundations alongside Modern Warfare and Black Ops and if the campaign turns out to be the blockbuster it already looks like, players could find themselves experiencing one of the best single-player stories in the history of the franchise.

Will Vanguard Multiplayer Be Better Than Black Ops Cold War?

Is Vanguard Multiplayer Better Than Cold War?
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Due to the difference in engines, it's tricky to determine whether Vanguard multiplayer will be a superior experience to Black Ops Cold War. The IW8 engine certainly provides a very smooth gameplay experience and combined with the newly introduced elements of destruction to create new routes and sightlines on a map, Vanguard certainly has the edge over Cold War in terms of innovation. Cold War's core gameplay wasn't the worst but with such a disparity from Modern Warfare and Warzone, players were quick to stick with 2019's release or play the battle royale for an entire year.

The IW8 engine also means incredible gunplay, one of the standout features between the two games. Each gun feels completely different from the other while in Cold War, you could happily run around with a fast-firing submachine or a heavier light machine gun and feel minimal differences between the two. With superior gunplay, I would say that Vanguard's multiplayer has the edge despite its spawn logic and sometimes questionable map design.

Just by comparing these two minor details, I feel that Vanguard will be a more polished title than Black Ops Cold War and if you're still on the fence when it launches on November 5th, it's probably worth taking the plunge and experiencing what it has to offer!

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