Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water Launches This October

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Few could've predicted Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water would appear at Nintendo's E3 2021 Conference. Previously a 2014 Wii U exclusive, this collaboration between Nintendo and Koei Tecmo is coming to Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S with remastered visuals.

Now, we've got a release date and rather fittingly, Maiden of Black Water launches on October 28th, three days before Halloween. As part of this announcement, Koei Tecmo's revealed a new overview trailer.

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Fatal Frame: Maiden Of Black Water Launches This October

You can watch that below, but to summarise, this touches upon how they've adapted Maiden of Black Water from its Wii U origins. One new feature is a Photo Mode, which isn't too surprising when you consider the protagonist's main tool is a camera. There's also new costumes and accessories to choose from.

Marking Fatal Frame's fifth main entry, you can find Maiden of Black Water's story outline below:

Players will step into the shoes of Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo, and Miu Hinasaki as they venture up the eerie Mt. Hikami in hopes of finding those who have previously disappeared. In order to overcome the malevolent spirits housed in the mountain’s waters, they will have to master the Camera Obscura – a unique camera that can deal damage to ghosts upon taking a photo. Each successful shot will cause a spirit to emit Spirit Fragments and if players are able to capture an image of the ghost and these mysterious fragments in the same frame, they will unleash a high-damage Fatal Frame attack.
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