Skyrim streamer tries to build cheese wheel fort after reviewing Tamriel’s jail cells

Some cheese wheels in Skyrim.
Credit: Aviform on Nexus Mods.

Some cheese wheels in Skyrim.
Credit: Aviform on Nexus Mods.

Those who love Skyrim have done a pretty miraculous job of finding ways to continually evolve, expand and reinvigorate their playthroughs in the years since the game was first released into the world.

Many on PC have done so by downloading mods, which can change the Bethesda RPG by adding the likes of new unmarked locations, incredibly stealthy manoeuvres and tougher bandits to it, with a few even going as far as completely rejuvenating the unique abilities offered to each of Tamriel’s races or giving you the chance to become high priest of your own temple.

Though, you don’t necessarily need to rely on access to this massive ocean of community-produced add-ons to find new ways to have fun in Skyrim, as a streamer has recently been proving thanks to some bizarre viewer-submitted quests.

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The Twitch and YouTube personality in question, Joov, has already tastefully redecorated the Dark Brotherhood’s abandoned shack and filled Tamriel with a bunch of potential Batmen and women by murdering parents at his audience’s behest.

The streamer’s latest couple of missions, which he attempted over the course of a near four-hour stream, were no less zany, with Joov kicking things off by taking on the daunting task of reviewing all of the different jail cells across the province and Solstheim that the Dragonborn can be thrown into if they’re caught killing a chicken, for example.

Having compiled the list of cities he’d need to visit the dungeons of, the streamer was duly hurled into each one during a crime spree across the map, making sure to note down environmental and escape route-based pros and cons as he went.

Eventually, enough information had been acquired to create a definitive tier list of cool and crappy clinks, which saw Raven Rock’s bulwark crowned the game’s premiere penitentiary, while Windhelm’s cramped cell was recognised as the worst

Joov wasn’t done with the stream there though, deciding to take on one more quick quest, this being “to build a fort out of dropped items”, that had a roof and could fit the player character inside of it.

The streamer started off using straw bales as his building blocks of choice, though he quickly discovered that they were too unstable to form a stable fort, prompting a switch to the meme-worthy material that is cheese wheels.

These proved much more suitable, forming some nice walls, though the attempt still came up short once the streamer tried to add a werewolf pelt roof to the building, which he then couldn’t successfully shelter under due to his character’s hitbox pushing the pelt away.

Regardless of whether your Dragonborn is now trying to build their own fromage fort with the help of Aviform’s ‘Cheesemod for EVERYONE’, make sure to follow us for more updates on The Elder Scrolls 6 and the interesting world of Skyrim modding. You can also check out our mods of the month for March 2023.

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