King of Fighters 15: 31st Character K' Confirmed, Trailer Shows Off Longer Combos

SNK's announced that K' will join King of Fighters 15 as the roster's 31st character. His return brings more than just his familiar pyrokinetic powers, as he can now use more followups to his special moves. Here's what we know about this character.

Return of K Dash For King of Fighters 15

As seen on the official SNK Youtube channel, K' - commonly known to fans as K Dash - is King of Fighters 15 31st character. The developers had previously confirmed that the series' previous main characters will also be playable in this entry.

In previous King of Fighters games, K' was the main character during the NESTS story arc. In this time, K' took down the syndicate that victimized some people as they sought ways to artificially create further superpowered people, as seen across King of Fighters.

Read more: King of Fighters 15: New Character Reveal This September 29, Shun'ei Rival Featured

More Combos

In the trailer, K' was using most of his signature tools, which include his flying kicks, pyrokinesis special attacks, and his supermove that throws his shades on the enemy to start a powerful flurry of combination strikes. Many fans will be familiar with these moves.

On the other end, his special moves now have new follow-ups which not only grant fresh surprises to K's kit, but more combo routes too. Most combos showcased didn't even require K' to go into Max Mode to link his special moves together.

A Few More Left

SNK has announced King of Fighters 15 initial roster will include 39 fighters on release. As K' is the 31st character, fans only have to wait for a few more characters before the game gets released on February 2022.

Presently, K' isn't in a 3-man team yet. Across most appearances after the NESTS arc, his team always had his best buddy Maxima and the girl who controls ice, Kula Diamond. We'll have to wait if these two return to help out K' once more, or if this returning hero will help new people for this tournament.

Read more: King of Fighters 15: Confirmed Character Roster So Far

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