Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart: All Gold Bolts Locations

Gold Bolts of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.

Gold Bolts of Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.

Gold Bolts are one of the big collectibles in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, with each one rewarding you with a special cheat that can either help you in the game, or change up certain fun elements. We’ll show you how to find all gold bolt locations in our comprehensive guide here, including all the cheats and rewards you’ll unlock doing so.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

All Gold Bolts Locations in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart

To find all the Gold Bolts locations in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, players will have to explore every area comprehensively, as well as solve a number of puzzles and challenges to access them.

Once you see one, simply walking into it will get you the bolt, but reaching them is often easier said than done. That’s why we’ve laid out all their locations and puzzle solutions by planet, as well as the cheats and rewards you’ll get for finding them.

Corson V Gold Bolts

There are three Gold Bolts in Nefarious City, but you’ll only be able to reach two until you unlock the Wallrunning mechanic later on. We’ve laid out how to find them all below.

Gold Bolt 1

The first bolt you’ll be able to reach is in the Southeast Corner, on the path leading out the back of Club Nefarious. As you jump the gap and turn North, go up the platform ahead of you, and use the bounce pad to jump to the right and curve around the building using your glide ability. There’s a rift tether that’ll carry you to the platform with the bolt on.

Reward/Cheat: Wrench Skins (Allows you to change the colour of Ratchet’s melee wrench)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 1 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 1 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 2

This one is back near where you started. Go up the elevator to the ship, North of the first Ms. Zurkon vendor in the central platform. There’s a wallrunning path heading East with some Raritanium on a platform beyond that. Head down there to find the bolt around the corner.

Reward/Cheat: Bolt Replacement (Replaces the bolts you collect with other objects)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 2 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 2 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 3

In the optional factory to the Southwest where you pursue the resistance Spybot. In the first major factory room you enter, platform up to the second level, but rather than go out of the door, run along the higher conveyor belt against its movement to reach a balcony on the opposite side of the room. The gold bolt is there.

Reward/Cheat: Photo Mode Pack 1 (Unlocks new options for Photo Mode)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 3 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 3 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Sargasso Gold Bolts

There’s another three gold bolts in Sargasso’s Outpost L51, one of which you won’t be able to get until a certain point, but two of which you can basically straight away. We’ve laid out the locations of all three below.

Gold Bolt 4

This is a very easy one - when you reach the Morts’ factory in the top-left corner of the map, simply walk around behind it and there’ll be a tiny island of rock with a rift tether point. Rift up to it to get the bolt.

Reward/Cheat: Enhanced Gallery (Adds new characters to the Gallery)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 4 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet holding Gold Bolt 4 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 5

Another fairly easy one, found at the bottom-right of the island to the Southeast of the Mort’s factory. Simply walk behind the pump machinery to find the gold bolt sitting there.

Reward/Cheat: Hammer Skins (Allows you to change the colour of Rivet’s melee hammer)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 5 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 5 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 6

You won’t be able to get this one until later and it’s not even on the map, but once you have the chance, it’s very easy to reach. When you return to Sargasso and unlock Trudi the dragon as part of the Zurpstones subquest, you can get the bolt simply by flying on Trudi to the high mountains and antenna in the middle of the map, visible from anywhere. In the middle of the antenna is a hoop with the gold bolt located inside.

Reward/Cheat: Rendering Modes Pack 1 (Allows you to alter the screen and certain visuals)

A player facing Gold Bolt 6 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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If you're looking for more help with Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart, be sure to visit our Rift Apart Walkthrough Hub. You'll be able to find every guide we have on the game so far.

Scarstu Debris Field Gold Bolts

Zurkie’s has three gold bolts, but two of them are rewards for completing certain rounds in the Slaughterplex arena. Still, we’ll tell you about all three here, as well as how to beat the specific rounds needed to be rewarded those gold bolts.

Gold Bolt 7

This one is practically under your feet when you first leave your ship. Head down the ramp to the central platform and head right. Look back at the platform you were just standing on, and you should see that there’s a bolt underneath it, just visible. Jump down to grab it!

Reward/Cheat: RPG (Damaging enemies shows the actual amount of damage inflicted on them in numbers above their head)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 7 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 7 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 8

This one is a reward for completing the Bronze Cup “Bugtrax” course, a Speetle racetrack where players have to get around a multi-dimensional course in a certain amount of time. It’s a little tricky, with thin tracks and the chance to overshoot if you only hold down the boost button, but you can restart pretty quickly. We found you can hold down the boost fairly reliably for the first two or three dimensions, then you should let off a little and save it for the ramps or if the timer is running low. Once done, you’ll be awarded the grand gold bolt as a prize!

Reward/Cheat: Ship Skins Pack 1 (Allows you to recolour your ship in different skins)

The challenge shows the location of Gold Bolt 8 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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A player facing Gold Bolt 8 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 9

This gold bolt comes from completing the “Pest Control” challenge in the Silver Cup, which asks you to beat 50 insect enemies before you’re taken out by “poison gas”, which slowly wears away your health. Use the Lightning Rod and area-damaging-effects to quickly work through them, while also breaking any health crates that spawn. It’s not a hard challenge, and you should get the bolt within the first couple of tries.

Reward/Cheat: Mirror Mode (Mirrors the game’s visuals horizontally)

The challenge shows the location of Gold Bolt 9 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 9 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Savali Gold Bolts

The gold bolts in Savali are a unique blend, requiring a very different approach for each one that usually make the most of Savali’s open spaces and new mechanics. We’ve outlined them all below for you to find.

Gold Bolt 10

This one requires the new hoverboots. Head to the very Northern point of the Mesa, and you’ll find a long cable with three pressure switches. Start at the Western point and use the hoverboots to press all switches as fast as possible. A portal will open up at the East end that takes you to the bolt’s location, a high platform on the West side of the map.

Reward/Cheat: Music Pack 1 (Adds new songs to the Zurkie’s Bar Jukebox)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 10 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 10 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 11

This one is on a platform that randomly flies back and forth across the Mesa, so its position on the map is constantly changing (though it will be revealed if you’ve been close to it at any point). There’s actually several platforms doing this, each with different collectibles, so keep an eye out for them generally and pursue any you see. When you get close to them (you’ll need the speedy hoverboats), use the grappling hook to grab the grapple point at the back of it and carry you up. You’ll step on a button that shuts it down and reveals the bolt.

Reward/Cheat: Photo Mode Pack 2 (Unlocks new options for Photo Mode)

Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 11 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 12

You won’t be able to get this one until you return to Savali at a later point in the campaign and the catacombs are now open. However, when entering them for the first time, there’ll immediately be a door on the West wall with a Virus-ridden lock you need Glitch to open.

Reward/Cheat: Ship Skins Pack 2 (Allows you to recolour your ship in different skins)

Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 12 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Blizar Prime Gold Bolts

The Blizon Mines are kind of tricky to navigate, as players are constantly bouncing between two realities with different layouts and geography, but there are gold bolts hidden in there, and we’re here to show you where.

Gold Bolt 13

This one is pretty easy to find. When you’re in the intact dimension of Blizar Prime, head to the very Southernmost point of the map. There’s a small path of rocks that you don’t need to go down in the campaign, but there’s an island at the end with a curving U-shaped path that rises to a Gold Bolt.

Reward/Cheat: Head Size (Allows you to resize all the characters’ heads)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 13 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 13 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 14

While heading up to the Northeast, the path of the Cook’s subquest, there’ll be a moment where you have to venture back into the broken dimension to proceed. The instant you come back out, turn to the left and follow the cul-de-sac path to find a Blizon crystal. Hit it to hop back to the broken dimension, where you’ll be on an island with the gold bolt next to you.

Reward/Cheat: Wrench Swap Pack 1 (Allows you to swap Ratchet’s wrench for various other melee items)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 14 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 14 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 15

After you beat the Goon Dropship and have the sequence with the giant drill, head to the broken dimension and go to the mining hub in the middle. Where the North elevator should be is a curving magnetic path. Follow it, jumping the gaps to the gold bolt at the end.

Reward/Cheat: Hammer Swap Pack 1 (Allows you to swap Rivet’s Hammer for various other melee items)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 15 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 15 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Torren IV Gold Bolts

Surprisingly for a giant junkyard, there’s only two gold bolts located on Torren IV, but it makes sense considering that the whole thing is a more linear area with less chance for exploration. Still, there are gold bolts here, and you can find them below.

Gold Bolt 16

After getting off the ship, head West until you see a little path going South. Though not marked on the map, at the end of it is a wall-running and hoverboot course that continues West and loops back up to a platform with a gold bolt and a few crates of Raritanium. Simply complete the course (a pretty easy one) to reach it and claim your reward.

Reward/Cheat: Home Run Hitter (Defeating an enemy with a melee attack sends them flying)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 16 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 16 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 17

While taking the grinding rail Northwest to the Smelting Pit, keep an eye out for a rift tether on the left, and use it when you see it. It’ll put you on a new rail that’ll carry you to the gold bolt, then loop back around to where you were before.

Reward/Cheat: Confetti Craniums (Shooting an enemy’s weak spot creates a burst of confetti)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 17 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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A player facing Gold Bolt 17 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Cordelion Gold Bolts

A huge, unfriendly aquatic base that’s determined to kill you whatever dimension you see it in, Cordelion has three bolts spread across it, none of which are easy for you to find.

Gold Bolt 18

When exploring the abandoned dimension with the monster in it, there’s a sequence where you use a magnetic path to explore the seafloor. There’s a risen platform on the left side you can walk up the side of to reach a final gold bolt.

Reward/Cheat: Photo Mode Pack 3 (Unlocks new options for Photo Mode)

Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart Gold Bolt 18 Location
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 18 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 19

Head to the first corridor you reach after taking the elevator down from the surface in the abandoned dimension. On the left is a small room - the doors are stuck and too close together to walk through normally, but you can rift tether through if you stand at the right angle to see the rift. The gold bolt is in there, and there’s some explosive crates you can use to blast the door open.

Reward/Cheat: Rendering Modes Pack 2 (Allows you to alter the screen and certain visuals)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 19 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 19 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 20

Return to the abandoned dimension of Cordelion and go up to the surface, where it’s snowy. Use a combination of hoverboots, Phantom-dodge and the rift tether to reach the platform on the right. There’s a platform with a Blizon Crystal that’ll carry you to the other dimension, where the gold bolt is right next to you.

Reward/Cheat: Music Pack 2 (Adds new songs to the Zurkie’s Bar Jukebox)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 20 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 20 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ardolis Gold Bolts

Ardolis is a smaller location, similar to Torren IV before it, so there’s only two gold bolts for you to find here. However, these ones take a little more work, so you could say it all evens out.

Gold Bolt 21

Once you unlock the Speetle in Ardolis and gain the ability to cross the ocean safely, take it from the starting island on the “path” to the right, using jumps and ramps to avoid the exploding barrels. The gold bolt is waiting at the end.

Reward/Cheat: Wrench Swap Pack 2 (Allows you to swap Ratchet’s wrench for various other melee items)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 21 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 21 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 22

As you pass through the Pirate Trials in the Northwest islands, the second one is the lair of a dead Gunthor named Snoojax. The Gunthor feeder has a gold bolt inside, but you’ll need to use Glitch on the corrupted locking mechanism to access it.

Reward/Cheat: Hammer Swap Pack 2 (Allows you to swap Rivet’s hammer for various other melee items)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 22 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Ratchet facing Gold Bolt 22 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Viceron Gold Bolts

The final area of the whole game, Zordoom Prison has three bolts spread across its labyrinth of enemies and traps, but none of them are insurmountable. Get all these, and you’ve got all the bolts in the game!

Gold Bolt 23

After the first Ms. Zurkon vendor, there’ll be a path to the right blocked by force fields, but you can use Phantom Dodge to pass through them. Follow the path and battle all the enemies to find a stolen pirate ship with a gold bolt on it.

Reward/Cheat: Infinite Health (Prevents the player from dying)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 23 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 23 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 24

After getting out of the Processing Facility to the Northern dock, there’s a platform on the Northeast side with a gold bolt on it, semi-concealed by crates and cages. Simply jump the gap to grab it (there’s usually enemies in this area too, make sure to deal with them).

Reward/Cheat: Infinite Ammo (Guns can be fired indefinitely)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 24 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 24 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Gold Bolt 25

The final one! The last gold bolt is in the prisoner cells to the left of the central reactor. More specifically, it’s in the cells with the Morts, though you can’t get to it until you reach the Emperor's assistant’s room and engineer the prison break. Once you do, the bars will be gone and you can claim the final reward!

Reward/Cheat: Gold Weapons (All the player’s weapons, including melee weapons, have a gold skin on them)

The map shows the location of Gold Bolt 25 in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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Rivet facing Gold Bolt 35 location in Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.
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How to Turn Gold Bolts Cheats On or Off

Players can turn on the cheats and rewards offered by the gold bolts from the collectibles menu accessed through the central trackpad. You can do so at any time, and don’t worry - turning them on does not prevent you from getting any of the game’s trophies or other rewards.

There’s no shortage of Ratchet and Clank guides and info to find here at Gfinity! If you’re looking to find out if the games will be coming to PC, check that out here, or check out all the revealed weapons and abilities right here!

This article was updated on the 3rd of December 2021 by Kelsey Raynor.

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