CD Projekt Red Claims The Witcher 3’s Next-Gen Port is Not in Development Hell

CD Projekt Red has delayed the next-gen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt but the company claims that this port is not in development hell, despite another delay and no release date. The mention of “development hell” was brought up during CD Projekt Red’s financial earnings call (via IGN), where they refuted the supposed report.

Here’s what a CD Projekt Red representative had to say about The Witcher 3 on next-gen systems being in development hell:

"When it comes to next-gen launch of Witcher 3, there's one comment I wanted to make. I've been looking at headlines around the internet and one drew my attention: 'Witcher 3 next-gen delayed indefinitely.' "[This] sounds like the game is in sort of development hell. I want to say it's not a fact. There have been a lot of insinuations that we're going to launch June of next year. That's completely not the case.”

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CD Projekt Red Claims The Witcher 3’s Next-Gen Port is Not in Development Hell

For those unaware, CD Projekt Red decided to bring the next-gen port of Witcher 3 to an in-house development team after the game was originally assigned to Saber Interactive. The specific reason the project was taken away from them is not yet known.

Until the next-gen ports arrive, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is readily available on the PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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